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Sue Kouma Johnson

John Paul II and Mother Teresa Ornament

John Paul II and Mother Teresa Ornament

Regular price $ 34.95
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"Together, let us make something beautiful for God." ~ Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Saint Teresa of Calcutta was one of the most famous of the servants of God in the Twentieth Century. A very small woman who accomplished amazingly great things, she is a wonderful model for us to trust in God and serve the Lord of Love with our works. 

This is a collage/painting. Sue started with her simple watercolor painting of Mother and added her words, "together, let us make something beautiful for God," then found images and embellished them with her own paints. She also added several images of other paintings she had done.

Sue tried to pack a lot of meaning in a little space so really, the large size works best! There are people from all over the world represented because it is about us building something together.

On the reverse is her image of Bl. John Paul II. Sue painted this portrait from a photograph, using colored pencils and acrylic paints. John Paul is one of her favorites. He was an apostle for the "culture of life." In our work to help the unborn and their mothers, we should pray for his intercession.

The images have been shrunken down from about 16 x 20 inches to 1 1/2" x 2" and encased in glass and soldered around the edges with a loop at the top for hanging wherever you wish, in the car at home, or setting in a shrine!

Saints Teresa and John Paul II are great intercessors for the poor, the unborn in danger, and the marginalized of society as precious children of God.

All of our pendants and ornaments are made with lead free solder and glass. Great on a chain or bracelet. We offer a ball chain elsewhere in our shop. 

If you put the charm/medal on a key chain, it may get broken if not treated kindly. It is glass. If you want one for a key chain, we can custom make your medium charm/medal with a thicker glass for $3. Small charm/medals don't need thicker glass, but either way, they need to be on a chain before you add them to your key ring. 

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