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Catholic Art and Jewelry

Jesus, the Sacred Heart – Framed 4x6" – Gold Style

Jesus, the Sacred Heart – Framed 4x6" – Gold Style

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In this French Victorian holy card, Jesus is opening his arms to us, welcoming us. In the Roman Catholic Church, the term "Sacred Heart" means the interior life of Jesus, His thoughts and will and feelings. So Jesus is welcoming us into deep intimacy with His inmost being! What an incredible invitation!

We think this looks great in a gold frame. The colors are rich and warm and have that vintage feel. This image warms our heart. This is a companion to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, printed by the same company.

The words in the gold mandorla (the full halo around his body) are "Aimé Soit Partout Le Sacré Coeur de Jésus." They translate to “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Loved Everywhere." The words at the bottom say, “Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Pity on Us." The phrase below in parenthesis says, “100 days of indulgence,” which meant if you did some prayers on the back of the card, for a certain length of time, the act would fulfill an item from the Vatican-issued Enchiridion Indulgentarium (Handbook of Indulgences) and allow you 100 days less in purgatory.

There was some staining and discoloration, and some jpeg artifacts, on this long out-of-copyright image. We spent a long time restoring it towards its original beauty. Overall, there are tens of thousands of good Catholic images out there, but we work to bring you just the few we love, and to make them as perfect as we can. We want to curate a collection that brings you joy.

Image Restoration ©

Thank you for your interest in our Catholic art.

God bless!

Sue & John

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