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Catholic Art and Jewelry

Surrender Prayer – Jesus Helping a Lamb – Restored Vintage Holy Card – pack of 10/100/1000

Surrender Prayer – Jesus Helping a Lamb – Restored Vintage Holy Card – pack of 10/100/1000

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4.25x2.75" Holy Card. Card stock. Matt finish. Good quality.

For some soul medicine, try the Surrender Prayer. Oh my! We’ve started the habit lately of saying the Surrender Prayer every morning, and it’s putting a lot of peace in our day. It’s kind of like the song a few years ago, “Jesus Take the Wheel”. We think you’ll experience being closer to God with it. One of the reasons we made this card was to help us remember to say this liberating prayer. When we surrender to God, and keep surrendering to him, he brings us closer to himself.

The picture is by German artist Edouard Von Steinle (1810-1886), an artist of the Nazarene School who did Catholic and historical art in the 19th Century. We thank Nancy Cavadini for informing us of his identiy. She used Von Steinle's drawing of this picture in her book on stained glass at Notre Dame Cathedral in Indianan, called Stories of Light, and avialble online. Von Steinle's drawing is from The Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 1892, issue 7. It was called "I Will Seek What Was Lost." 

We expect we will offer it in its entirety in our shop soon. The original version is wider. We have only rarely seen lambs tangled up in thorn bushes in art, and it's a good metaphor for what happens to our lives when we stray from Jesus's constant invovlement.

We price our holy cards inexpensively so they can be used to spread the faith.

Thank you for your interest.

Sue and John

Image Restoration ©

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